Skater Girl in a 90’s Party!

Hey Lovers!

Sorry for the delayed post.  This weekend taught me that I am no longer a spring chicken, because after partying both Saturday and Sunday with very little sleep in between I was totally knackered!

On Saturday I was invited to a 90’s reggae party.  I don’t know about you but as I recall, EVERYTHING about the 90’s was better! Life was so much easier then. I loved the music and so I was thrilled to attend not only a 90’s party, but a 90’s reggae party – ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!

I opted to wear a little skater dress I was gifted on my last trip to London.  I can’t believe it’s been sitting in my closet since November of last year.  It’s so adorable to me, don’t you agree?


I’ve been kissed so many times by the sun, my foundation no longer matches. Time to make the switch!

As you can see below, I paired which chunky heeled sandals that I purchased from Office almost 2 years ago.  I love the way these shoes elongate my legs, and [bonus] they’re so comfortable!  I can literally dance for hours unaffected.

IMG_6836I wore my favorite red lippy riri-woo and rocked a red clutch to tie the whole look together.


Until next time…





A Perfect Day…

Hey Lovers!

IMG_6423Hope you all had an AMAZING July 4th weekend! Mine was incredible! If you’re in the NYC area, then you know July 4th was pretty much a wash – literally, as it rained all day. I didn’t feel like doing much of anything due to the weather, but at the very last minute my brother and I decided we had much to be thankful for (see previous post), and so we decided to throw some chicken on the grill, sort of like a celebratory jerk! LOL

On Sunday my best friend and I (along with other family members and friends) had plans for the beach and so we were both up at the crack of dawn. I made BBQ chicken, and she made fried chicken – don’t judge us! We had planned to head out at 9am as we wanted to beat the rush and be able to get a good spot on the beach. Of course you know that didn’t happen. Despite being up early, we didn’t leave home until almost mid-day.

The water was freezing cold when I first attempted to get my feet wet… enough to send me running back to dry land!

IMG_6541I figured I would spend the majority of the day laying around as the prospect of actually taking a swim seemed rather bleak. That was until I got smacked flat on my behind by an incredibly aggressive and obnoxious wave! I was soaked from head to toe, but ironically after being submerged I didn’t feel as cold so I spent the remainder of the day being a water bunny… best decision ever!  We had such an amazing time!

Next up, Dorney Park!  I can’t wait!

Just Peachy!

Hey Lovers!

Hope you’re doing lovely today!  My day was insanely busy… errands from sun up to sun down.  I also used the time to go see my doctor for a wellness check.  I’ve been curious about my LDL levels (bad cholestorol) for quite some time because I keep hearing horror stories about people who appear to be fit and healthy, but are very unhealthy internally.  I feared that might be my predicament because I have very poor eating habits.  Nonetheless, I had the tests done and I’m happy to report that my levels are within the normal range…yippeee!!

I was so happy that once I got home I elected to do an impromptu photo shoot.  Since I knew I was going to be running errands all day, I elected to wear these dingy flats (I know, NOT sexy)!

ImageHowever, if you know me then you know I am NOT a fan of flats… I just think they make my size 10s look like size 15s, and nobody has time for that!  That said, I quickly switched out my comfy flats for my incredibly uncomfortable but hella cute BCBG heeled sandals, and then this happened…


As to my very peachy outfit, I purchased my pants from River Island last fall.  The tank I purchased from Zara for an amazing steal! I wish I had the foresight to take pictures of the back, which is made up of a bright orange sheer material.  It’s just too cute for words.  Bear with me loves as this is my very first blog post.  I’ll get the hang of it soon (I promise).

Thanks to my annoying little brother Alex (there’s your shout-out) for being so willing to snap away!

Until next time lovers…
